Download Free Computers and Intractability Book PDF

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ByMichael R. Garey,David S. Johnson

Computers and Intractability

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“Books are mirrors. You only see in them what you already have inside of you.” -Carlos Zafon


|Shows how to recognize NP-complete problems and offers proactical suggestions for dealing with them effectively. The book covers the basic theory of NP-completeness, provides an overview of alternative directions for further research, and contains and extensive list of NP-complete and NP-hard problems, with more than 300 main entries and several times as many results in total. [This book] is suitable as a supplement to courses in algorithm design, computational complexity, operations research, or combinatorial mathematics, and as a text for seminars on approximation algorithms or computational complexity. It provides not only a valuable source of information for students but also an essential reference work for professionals in computer science|--Back cover.