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ByS. B. Marsh,J. Soulsby

Business Law

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This eighth editions of Business Law includes updated material on the extensive changes on courts and court proceedings, particularly the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 and the Access to Justice Act 1999 and covers the changes in business associations including the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000. It contains a new unit on EU Law and revised examination questions at the end of each unit which should provide a basis for modular study. It covers the English legal system, important developments in contract and tort, including recent negligence cases and legislation such as the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and the Competition Act 1998, sale of goods and new cases and materials on Employment law. It has tables, charts and case studies to aid learning and revision. It is suitable for AS/A Level and undergraduate HND/C Business and BA business studies students.